Author Archives: worshipcity

About worshipcity

Welcome to Worship City. It is my belief that 'worship' is not something that is confined to an hour an half on Sunday mornings. It is my belief that 'worship' is not something that is confined to a Christian. You were created to worship! You 'worship' every day. You give glory to something, someone, someplace all day long. You may not even realize it but your talking about, pointing people to, referencing things all day long! OH MAN THIS NEW CARAMEL MACHIATTO IS AWESOME! I hope this blog can be something special. I hope it can be something meaningful. I hope it can be fun! You may choose to worship what you like. I hope that God is included in our journey as well though! He'd like that!

Doing Something NOW continues!

Nothing motivates me more than seeing a generation on the move and invoking change! I’m a pretty big Passion junkie and Louie just set off a nuclear bomb of motivation for me with the latest update on the 268 Blog. If you were a part of anything Passion underwent in ’07, you were exposed to some way, form, or fashion to actually DO SOMETHING with your life. It was Passion’s way of merging worship and justice. I absolutely loved it! If you want to see what poor, broke, and wildly resourceful college students are capable of then trek on over to the 268 Blog.

It gives us the update to what was pledged and what was actually fulfilled this year and how it’s not too late to get in on the action.

During the 4 days of Passion 07:

Total of money redirected to those in need:
Cure International
BloodWaterMission $156,000
Compassion (LDP) $216,000
Compassion (Children/1 year) $15,360
OneVerse $248,566.95
Freedom Center Iraq $165,000

Total $904,824.82

Not into monetary gifts?

  • How about 4,000 Bibles packaged and sent to people in East Asia!
  • 44,000 towels and socks collected for the Atlanta area alone!
  • 21 students in Iraq teaching!

That in itself is just ridiculous!
What it does for me, is stir up ideas of how I can get some of my students involved in doing something here and now in Louisiana. I see it in them in the smallest of ways and I work with High school students. Give them something to get involved in and DO and they’re all over it. Sure, they love laser tag and ice cream but let them sink their teeth into something with passion and they go nuts!

What’s it do for you?

Father of the Bride

Last year I was 27 years old with a wife of 4 years and a one year old daughter.
This year I’m 28 years old with a wife of 5 years, a 2 year old, and another on the way.

Somewhere along the way I became a parent and I’m not exactly sure how it happened. I mean it’s not like I’ve been absent in my family or the upbringing of my daughter. Quite the contrary. Sure my 2 year old says ‘Thank you’ and ‘Please’ and we’re working on ‘Excuse me’ instead of ‘Move!’ I must say however, I’ve taken much joy and pleasure in focusing my attention on having her walk up to adults and administer a judo chop in the back of the knee, or announcing ‘PADOW!’ in showing off her new ballerina slippers, teaching her how to turn on and off my distortion pedal on my pedal board or how to smack a snare drum and let it ring 🙂

Again, I’m 28 so a majority of my friends have all gotten married by now (or swore to stay single forever!) It was the wedding that my wife was in a few weeks ago though where the realization of being a parent truly set in! Continue reading

Visual 180 on LA Ink TUES Night!!

LA Ink has taken TLC by storm and it and Miami Ink have been exposing people to the ‘art’ of tattoos. You might catch someone with a family memorial tattoo or something meaningful celebrated by inking themselves in gorgeous fashion; HOWEVER, tomorrow night will air Los’ episode of the most popular 180 experience there is: Saul’s conversion to Paul!

I truly can’t wait! Even 10 minutes of Los’ life on TV should be inspiring. Pick it: his testimony, his occupation, his adoption, his passion, his relationship with Jesus! Let’s tune in together tomorrow night 10 PM Eastern.

See the teaser promo and read more here